A Reading Sabbatical

Hello friends!

This week’s newsletter will be a bit different, and quite a bit shorter!

I am taking the month of March off from wiring a weekly article, and going on a sabbatical! It’s an intentional break from one type of focused work in order to allow yourself to refocus on something else. Sean McCabe explains the principle very well on his podcast.

During the sabbatical, I hope to accomplish one thing: read as much as possible from all of the design-art books I have collected. Have you ever had the feeling that actually doing the work you want to do might be preventing you from learning how to be better at it? I got this feeling about writing the Design/Art Practice posts recently. While doing my research, I collected too many very attractive books that I couldn’t finish reading, and never took the time to fully consider.

Since it is a new calendar season (happy March!) I feel very fresh and confident in taking a break for the month. In the meantime, I’ll keep posting quick visual updates on Instagram.

See you in April!

Maria Matveevafourth-9